Making it easier to build a Second Small Dwelling in Victoria?

To increase housing supply choice and address the growing demand for diverse housing options, the Victorian Government has recently introduced measures to streamline the construction of small second homes in residential and rural areas across Victoria.

The Victorian Government's Small Second Dwellings Initiative facilitates the construction of compact, secondary dwellings on existing residential and rural properties. This initiative is designed to create additional housing options for families, cater to changing demographics, and contribute to the overall housing supply.

A few key questions we have received from homeowners are, how big can the second home be, who can live in it, and does it need a building permit or planning permit?

Definition of a small second home

A building with a gross floor area of 60 square metres or less, on the same lot as an existing dwelling and used as a self-contained residence, which must include the following: 

* a kitchen sink; 

* food preparation facilities; 

* a bath or shower; and 

* a toilet and wash basin. 

A small second home must not be connected to reticulated natural gas and does not require a car parking space.

Occupancy of small second homes

Anyone can live in or rent-out a small second home, including a family member, a dependent person or unrelated persons.

The residential tenancy requirements that apply to a home also apply to a small second home, including room sizes, facilities and smoke alarms. 

Building a small second home: Zoning, Overlays, location and building permit

A small second home can be built on most properties in residential and some rural zones without a planning permit. A building permit is always required.

It is important to note that there are some planning zone and overlay requirements you need to be aware of which affect this, so please be aware of a range of scenarios where a planning permit is required.

Does my land have a restriction for one dwelling mean I can’t have a small secondary dwelling?

A few clients this month have had plans for building two dwellings on their land inadvertently squashed by the new changes. One client has a S173 on their Title stating only one dwelling can be developed on the land and another has a MCP on their Title with the same restriction.

Previously they would have had the opportunity to build a Dependent Persons Unit for family to live in, with no size restrictions but with the change to this type of development being classified as a Small Secondary Dwelling this is now prohibited. 

Consult with Urbankind:

If you're considering a small second dwelling but are unsure where to start, a call to your local Council should confirm if your land is eligible and that no Planning Permit is required. If it's a little tricky getting the advice you need from Council, the Urbankind team is here to help. Our experienced professionals can provide guidance on navigating the intricacies of the Small Second Dwellings Initiative, ensuring that you make informed decisions and seize the opportunities presented by this transformative housing initiative. Hopefully, you can skip the Planning Permit stage and be step closer to having that small second home on your land.

In conclusion, the Small Second Dwellings Initiative stands as a beacon of progress, offering homeowners a pathway to diverse housing choices. By understanding the regulations, requirements, building permit and potential challenges, individuals can make the most of this initiative to enhance their property value and contribute to the dynamic housing landscape in Victoria.

Click the button below to download the Second Dwellings Planning & Building Framework PDF Resource OR learn more via the Victorian Government website by clicking HERE.


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